Anxiety Treatment

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed or anxious?

  • Is anxiety affecting your work, relationships or health?

  • Do you feel uncomfortable in social situations?

anxiety treatment

If so, you may be dealing with an anxiety disorder. It’s normal to have a certain level of anxiety. Feeling nervous on the first day of a new job, speaking in front of a live audience, or taking a dreaded exam is common. If you experience panic, fear and distress that affects your life and relationships, you may have an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety may arise in response to a specific event or thought, and other times for no apparent reason. Anxiety can prevent you from pursuing your daily activities, including participating in important events that illicit fear or cause apprehension. In extreme scenarios, individuals may never leave their home. Let’s review some symptoms associated with anxiety disorders:

  • Persistent sense of unease and obsessive thoughts;
  • Nightmares or painful thoughts from the past;
  • Nausea and sweating;
  • Muscle tension;
  • Insomnia / change in sleep patterns;
  • Panic attacks and lack of concentration;
  • Fear of events / situations; and
  • Irrational thoughts

The goal in treating anxiety is to teach coping skills, understand triggers and get educated about anxiety. It’s never too late to get help. Anxiety can be managed. You will need to learn to identify potential triggers of panic attacks and irrational thoughts.

Anxiety treatment options depend on the level of how your anxiety disorder is affecting your ability to function daily. Our therapists are trained in using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which is highly effective in treating anxiety. Every individual responds differently to treatments and some people benefit from combining psychotherapy with medications.

Ready to get started? Anxiety Treatment can help!

Our counselors will help you regain control, improve your mood and relationships. If you consistently worry about things beyond your control, feel anxious, nervous, or hyper-vigilant, it’s time to seek professional help. Feeling hopeful will improve your quality of life and nurture relationships with your loved ones. We are here to help, call (540) 316-6362, email, or schedule an appointment.

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