1-Minute Read: Worried About a Possible Eating Disorder?

1-minute-read-worried-about-a-possible-eating-disorderMost of us are familiar with Anorexia and Bulimia but there are other, not so obvious, eating disorders as well — binge eating disorder, purge eating disorder, and night eating syndrome.

Some warning signs of possible future problems include:

• Over exercising
• Restricting calories
• Body obsession

The old belief was that somehow parents were to blame for a girl’s eating disorder. Now we know there are so many factors involved that no ONE thing or person can be at fault. Eating issues are often complex and they exist on a spectrum.

A girl’s desire to “fit in” and “look good” is packed with emotion. Girls will often shut down and refuse to talk about this or deny there is an issue. As always, my best advice is to remain calm and stay observant and connected.

Tips for Parents:

• Lose the scale
• Refrain from making comments about her weight
• Talk to her doctor or a counselor to get guidance

This is a growing theme I am seeing in my practice. Growing up Girl is not easy!


Michelle Kelley 10.14 c

Licensed counselor and founder of Girls Stand Strong Michelle Kelley, LCSW, helps girls and women of all ages develop and improve their self-image, self-esteem, relationship and communication skills, emotional understanding, coping skills, the ability to handle difficult situations and people, and resiliency to create a brighter, better and more successful tomorrow. For more information about Michelle’s coaching and counseling services, call (540) 316-6362 or email michelle@girlsstandstrong.com.

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