Why Some Girls Act Mean
Girls bully other girls as a way to control others, to feel empowered, or because they feel insecure. Some are desperate to be part of the popular group. I help help girls realize what is going on in their relationships and talking about it in a real way. It’s OK for a girl to say “I feel hurt.” A girl who tells a friend that they hurt her feelings is taking an emotional risk in the friendship. Girls need permission to be vulnerable and be honest. I teach girls how to talk about their feelings in relationships and be empowered to stand up for themselves.
In this video I’ll discuss each of these points:
1. The various reasons why some girls act mean and mistreat others.
2. Advice for girls who are the victim of bullying to practice standing up for themselves and explore what they can say to the bully to stop the bullying behavior.
3. How to respond appropriately to bullies.
If you are ready to move forward and take charge of your life, I can help. Call (703) 505-2413 today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Licensed counselor and founder of Girls Stand Strong Michelle Kelley helps girls and women of all ages develop and improve their self-image, self-esteem, relationship and communication skills, emotional understanding, coping skills, the ability to handle difficult situations and people, and resiliency to create a brighter, better and more successful tomorrow. For more information about Michelle’s coaching and counseling services, call (703) 505-2413 or email michelle@girlsstandstrong.com.